Saturday, December 3, 2011

Taco Night!

This one is a shorty but totally cracked me up..

Got home from work and decided to make tacos for dinner.

I get out the meat and put it in the skillet, chop the tomatoes and shred the cheese.

While the meat was cooking I decided to sit down and go through the mail, my son walks in and says "Hey ma, watcha doin?"

"Goin thru the mail" I replied. "Hey Dev," I ask . "Can you please stir the meat for me?"

"Sure!" he answered sounding especially perky...

Out of the top of my eye I see movement so I glance up to see him standing there with one hand on his head and the other in the air, while he is moving his hips around in a circle, hoola-hoop style.

"Devon!" I exclaim.

"Mom" he says and looks at me as if I were the crazy one... "You told me to stir the meat!"

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