Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Ghostly Adventures,,

I was on a road trip to Georgia, my brother was driving and my son Devon was in the back seat.  

To kill time and our boredom, I downloaded a ghost hunting app that records EVP's. (it lets you hear what spirits are saying) 

So I opened the app and my brother started to ask questions; "Is anybody here with us?", "What's your name?", etc. 

After about the third question we got a very creepy, whisper of a voice say "Help Me!"  My brother Kevin looked at me with bewilderment in his eyes and asked me if the app was real.  I said "I don't know, let me ask a question".  

I proceeded to ask "Who is driving the car right now?" Again a creepy, whisper of a voice said thru the app "Keeeevin". 

My brother and I looked at each other with jaws dropped. I screamed out "Oh my God!" and begin immediately deleting the app out of shear panic while my brother began screaming to me "Get the app back!"  "Do it again, I want to talk to it!!!"

I was yelling at my brother, he was yelling at me and then in the background a slight giggle became audible.  My brother and I slowly looked into the back seat and saw my son now in a full fledged cackle, cracking up at us. 

He said "uuum  that was me, I was just messing with you guys. Ha Ha Ha!!! oooh my gosh, that was soo funny! "

I don't know who wanted to hurt him the most LOL... silly us for being so gullible.

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