Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Ghostly Adventures,,

I was on a road trip to Georgia, my brother was driving and my son Devon was in the back seat.  

To kill time and our boredom, I downloaded a ghost hunting app that records EVP's. (it lets you hear what spirits are saying) 

So I opened the app and my brother started to ask questions; "Is anybody here with us?", "What's your name?", etc. 

After about the third question we got a very creepy, whisper of a voice say "Help Me!"  My brother Kevin looked at me with bewilderment in his eyes and asked me if the app was real.  I said "I don't know, let me ask a question".  

I proceeded to ask "Who is driving the car right now?" Again a creepy, whisper of a voice said thru the app "Keeeevin". 

My brother and I looked at each other with jaws dropped. I screamed out "Oh my God!" and begin immediately deleting the app out of shear panic while my brother began screaming to me "Get the app back!"  "Do it again, I want to talk to it!!!"

I was yelling at my brother, he was yelling at me and then in the background a slight giggle became audible.  My brother and I slowly looked into the back seat and saw my son now in a full fledged cackle, cracking up at us. 

He said "uuum  that was me, I was just messing with you guys. Ha Ha Ha!!! oooh my gosh, that was soo funny! "

I don't know who wanted to hurt him the most LOL... silly us for being so gullible.

Funniest Mom on the Block

So last nite around 7:30, my son asked if he could go outside to talk to a couple of his friends.

It was already getting dark but I allowed it and told him he could have 30min.

At the 40 min mark, I called him on his cell and told him to come inside.

At the 50 min mark, I texted him to get his behind in the house. He texted in response "Neeevaaaaah! :)"

At the 55 min mark, I opened the door yelling for him to get in the house and his friends who were in my driveway scurried away laughing as he ran past me and inside the house.

"Devon?" I asked, "What exactly was that about?"

He replied "We were waiting outside the door for you to come out and yell at me, I was purposely not coming in"

"And why exactly would you do that?" I asked.

And through his own laughter, he says  "Cause my friends think it's funny when you come outside mad at me, you get red and your face has the funniest look on it, it's just funny"

"Well" I replied, "I'm glad I could be a source of amusement for you and your friends!"

"Aaah" he sighed "You always are mom, your the funniest mom on the block!" 

Glad to know these kids are taking us adults seriously these days...

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Don't touch the remote!

We were in the living room watching TV together.  
My son was on the loveseat and I was on the couch when I got up to get a drink from the kitchen.   
The dog jumped on the couch and sat on the remote inadvertently changing the channel to a station that was playing a Victoria Secret commercial.  
Devon yells “YES!” 
I look at the TV and see the half naked model in her undies and so I run from the kitchen to get the remote so that I may quickly change the channel.  
As I do, Devon dives onto the couch shielding the remote with his body yelling “Yes! Boobs!”  
Hey Victoria! … it’s no longer a secret, thanks a lot.

You're a Wooty!

The other night we were preparing to go out to my son's basketball awards ceremony when I came downstairs and asked "Son, do I look okay?

He smiled at me with a sweet and endearing look on his face and replied "Mom, you look beautiful.  You're a wooty."

"Devon?" I asked "What in the heck is a wooty" to which he matter-of-factly responded "A white girl with a booty!"

"Devon!" I exclaimed, "that is totally inappropriate!" and as much as I tried to keep a straight face I could not hold back my giggle and gave in "But awe... that is so sweet!" 

Kids know how to make your day!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Taco Night!

This one is a shorty but totally cracked me up..

Got home from work and decided to make tacos for dinner.

I get out the meat and put it in the skillet, chop the tomatoes and shred the cheese.

While the meat was cooking I decided to sit down and go through the mail, my son walks in and says "Hey ma, watcha doin?"

"Goin thru the mail" I replied. "Hey Dev," I ask . "Can you please stir the meat for me?"

"Sure!" he answered sounding especially perky...

Out of the top of my eye I see movement so I glance up to see him standing there with one hand on his head and the other in the air, while he is moving his hips around in a circle, hoola-hoop style.

"Devon!" I exclaim.

"Mom" he says and looks at me as if I were the crazy one... "You told me to stir the meat!"

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Come on, Hit me mom!

Today was a school holiday so after sleeping all day he was primed and ready when I got home from work. Unfortunately I worked a ten hour day...

"Hey mom, how was your day, what's for dinner?"

"It was good, how was yours and quesadillas."

He proceeded to tell me about all the things he did during the day in between eating and sleeping.

He eats and then is ready to play. He dances and plays with the dog, we play toss the empty milk jug around, we talk and finally i stop to clean the kitchen.

"Come on mom, I'm bored hit me with something?"

"Devon! I'm not going to hit you with something.."

"Come on mom I'll show you my ninja reflexes" he says

"No!" I reply

He persists "Hit me! Throw something at me!!"

"No!" again I refuse.

He begins to get irritated "Hit me wit something!" he yells.

Then this weird low pitched noise comes out of his mouth."aaaaaaaaaauuuuuunnnnkkk!"

Then again "aaaaaaaaaaaauuuuunk!" and again "aaaaaaaaaaauuuuuuuunnnnk!"

"Mom, I'm going to keep doing this until you hit me with something!"

"aaaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuunk!" "aaaaaaaaaaaaauuuuunnnnnnk!"

So what's a mom to do? I pick up the empty milk jug and hurl it at him. Well needless to say "Moms still got it, cuz his ninja reflexes weren't as fast as my Chinese throwing jug and I nailed him right in the face to which of course he replies.....

"I can't believe you hit me!" and he stormed off.

Don't worry folks at home, the only thing hurt was his ego!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Scared the Bajeezies out of him

Three months ago.

It was bedtime, I said good nite and sent him off to his room then settled in to a nice hot shower.

After relaxing from my shower I put on my jammies, came out of the bathroom, slid into my bed and snuggled up to my comforter.

A few stretches and a deep sigh later I closed my eyes and began to fall into a slumber. Suddenly I hear a deep mans voice from under the side of my bed say "How you doin?"

I screamed bloody murder! I jumped out of my bed and began looking for the kitchen knife I hide next to my bed.

Oh lord, You hear about this happening to other people but this was happening to me. There is an intruder in MY house!

Still screaming and looking for my knife I begin to hear another sound, and I realize my "intruder" was Laughing!

I turn around and see my son red faced and bent over laughing at the top of his lungs. "You should see your face!!!" he says.

"Devon! You scared the heck out of me" I scoffed.

Still laughing he says "I've never seen you move that fast mom"

He walks out of my room still laughing on his way out and says " ah, that was great! "

I didn't sleep at all that night.

Since then I have been plotting and planning on how I could get him back; but all that went out the window when opportunity presented itself.

It was the perfect setting, Friday afternoon and I left work a little early, traffic was a breeze so my normal 40 minute drive took 15 minutes.

I open the front door and hear the shower upstairs running. A ha! This is going to be good!

I slowly sneak up the stairs as quiet as a mouse and slither into his bathroom.

I inch my way to the shower and count it down 3 - 2 - 1....

I rip the shower curtain back and yell "How you doin?"

Fear and panic took over his face and I hear this loud, high pitched, glass breaking, Mariah Carey high note scream.

"aaahhh hahaha!" I busted out laughing, "You sound like a girl!"

The look of fear on his face quickly turns into rage as he slams the shower curtain shut and says "Don't talk to me!"

Karma is a "B" kiddo and so am I!

...still laughing about that one!