Monday, October 24, 2011

Best Doctor's visit ever!

This morning on our way to the Doctors office I asked him, did you make sure your socks don’t have holes in them?  “Yeah mom, I got it”
We get to the Doctors office and the nurse asks him to take his shoes off and get on the table.  Nurse exits.  Devon lays down to get comfortable and of course I noticed a hole in his sock.  “Devon, you have a hole in your sock.” And I chuckle because inside I am saying “I told you so…”
He sits up and inspects the hole, turns his sock around so the hole is on the bottom of his foot as to hide it.  He looks at me and says “Don’t say anything!”
Enter, Doctor, Doctor in training and nurse.  Son I need to you lay on your stomach with your feet facing upwards.  As he rolls over the Doctor in training says “Hey!  You have a hole in your sock!” 
Best Doctor’s visit ever!

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