Monday, October 24, 2011

Get me a Drink MOM!

It’s bedtime. 
From his bedroom he yells “Mom!”  I get up and go to my bedroom door so I can hear him better.  “What Dev?”  He says, "Can u go downstairs and get me something to drink?" “Uh no Dev” I reply and return to my bed. Clink! Clink! Clink! goes the sound of metal.  I go to the hallway to see what the ruckus is and see him standing in his doorway clinking his crutches together.  Mind you he isn’t using his crutches to walk around they just happened to be in his room.
“Dev what are you doing?” I ask.  "Mom please go get me something to drink" I hold my ground. “No Devon, you go get it!” Clink! Clink! Clink!...
I yell, “DEVON!!!!” to which he replies "I got all night mom and plenty of stuff to make noise with"..... I got him a drink!

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